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Mitsubishi Electric - AIS - TKK is now ready to provide smart factory solution with 5G communication.

Date : 04 August 2021 | Categories : News

August 4, 2021 - Mitsubishi Electric, a technology leader in manufacturing and industrial automation system, leads e-F@ctory to drive Thailand's strategy that emphasizes the advancement of the manufacturing industry. To create the best and cost-effective solutions for entrepreneurs Ready to announce cooperation with partners such as Advance Info Service Public Company Limited or AIS and TKK Corporation Company Limited to develop Smart Manufacturing Solutions with 5G that is ready for use. To increase the potential of Thai industries according to the Thailand 4.0 policy

Mr. Wichiene Ngamsukkarsemsri, Managing Director of Mitsubishi Electric Factory Automation (Thailand) Co., Ltd. said that on the 100th anniversary of Mitsubishi Electric, the leader in electrical appliances that has been trusted for a long time. And at present, it is also a leader in hardware manufacturer for industrial automation. By bringing the model line "e-F@ctory" to upgrade the production lines and promote knowledge of automation in the Thai industry to drive Thailand's Factory Automation to be more efficient. Meet requirements of multinational companies not to move production bases to other countries that lower wages of workers. We also continues to focus on developing solutions in various fields, especially Factory Automation Remote Solution, a solution for the industry that allows to work remotely. Monitoring the production status in real time, like controlling the work in the real workplace from anywhere or anytime, including detecting and fixing problems in a timely manner facilitate technicians and engineers working from home during the COVID-19 epidemic very well. With an alliance like AIS, the 5G network service provider, it combines technology in IT (Information Technology), and OT (Operation Technology) which is Mitsubishi Electric's expertise in factory automation systems, including TKK Corporation Company Limited, a leader in industrial product distribution business. To integrate and recommend this solution to interested entrepreneurs to support the growth of the Thai industrial sector in the future.

Mr.Tanapong Ittisakulchai, Chief Enterprise Business Officer of AIS said that this cooperation with Mitsubishi Electric Factory Automation, which is strong in the production line of the factory in Thailand, and TKK Corporation, a distributor and operates automated production control systems in leading factories. It is a collaboration to develop solutions for the industry and reinforcing the goal of making Thailand to be an important production base of the world in the future by jointly presenting the e-F@ctory solution and bringing the Smart Manufacturing solution deploy on 5G Networks and upgrade the Manufacturing sector with Smart Manufacturing that is real used on the AIS 5G network that will completely enhance the performance of the work in the manufacturing sector both to enhance work potential reduce production costs and meet the needs of use in a private network, it also increases data security, speed, and reduces latency for full IoT support. Today we are ready to transform and revolutionize the industry to compete with leading manufacturing plants with practical solutions, products and services.

Mrs. Kanlayanee Kongsomjit, The President of TKK CORPORRATION said that due to our expertise in being a leading supplier of products in factory automation control systems and long experience in the industry. This partnership will enable TKK to deliver efficient solutions to factories. We aim to raise the Thai industrial sector to another level by bringing technology to enhance work, understand the problem, and truly meet the needs.

Smart Manufacturing Solutions with 5G are suitable for remote operations such as

  • Remote Monitoring - Help executives, supervisors, and operators can check the production status, machine status, and productivity from anywhere. This makes it possible to manage the overall production clearly and also see the problem in the overall for further solving.
  • Remote Maintenance - System to check the operation of the machine suitable for maintenance. Reduces time spent on site for maintenance or check the machine operation. Reduces the opportunity cost of having to stop the production line.
  • Remote Development - System to management, planning, and coordinating with various departments within the factory to enhance overall management efficiency in coordinating with various departments within the factory. Increasing the efficiency of coordination between departments.
  • Remote Service - Provides instant remote consultation via Mobile Network from Mitsubishi Electric's technical experts and partners in case of breakdowns. This makes it possible to quickly troubleshoot basic problems remotely.
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