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Product Features

  1. Mitsubishi CNC Lifecycle Management - We provide the best service to support customers’ production environment indefinitely Whenever Wherever Forever

Technical Support

Need to know how to cancel CNC alarm immediately!
Our call centers in various regions around the world can support customers quickly.

Our call centers in various regions around the world can support customers quickly.

We have call centers in each overseas base to respond quickly to customers having trouble with the CNC.
Our skilled engineers support customers to accurately resolve problems over the phone. We ship out service parts or send field engineers as needed to ensure a timely recovery of your machine.

Need support to recover the machine quickly!
Our field engineer visits customers’ site to repair the CNC system.

Our field engineer visits customers’ site to repair the CNC system.

Our specialists who acquired high skills on CNC system repair visit the site immediately based on the customer’s request.
We make full use of measuring instruments, etc. to precisely understand the machine state, and then adjust the faulty items or replace the parts. As a result, the machines are recovered quickly.

Please feel free to contact the nearest service center with any tiny issue.

Service parts/Repair

Restore the broken machine quickly!
Support the stable running of customers’ machines with sufficient spare parts for old and new models in stock.

Support the stable running of customers’ machines with sufficient spare parts for old and new models in stock.

In case of a sudden machine trouble, our service centers in and outside Japan keep sufficient service parts in stock for obsolete and the latest models.
We are well prepared to respond quickly to emergency situations around the world.

The machine I’m using for years has gone wrong…
To ensure long-term use of your machines, our service centers provide repair services worldwide.

To ensure long-term use of your machines, our service centers  provide repair services worldwide.

Our repair center covers not only the latest CNCs but old and obsolete models.
Also the major service centers outside Japan have repair facilities, providing repair services in their regions.
There is no need for sending the products back to Japan, which enables us to provide speedy repair services.

In addition to repair, we develop the alternative parts of old series products.

Example of Replacement


  • CRT

  • LCD

Servo drive unit

  • MR-S2

  • MR-S12N

Mitsubishi Electric offers various types of services, including parts replacement, pick-up & repair and supply of spare parts, to ensure a long and trouble-free life of your machines.


How should I train my engineers?
Training course at your request

Training course at your request

For more effective use of our CNCs, we offer training courses from operation basics, maintenance to part programming in local languages.
We can flexibly meet your needs, using our simulators at our service centers, or your own machine at your site.
Please ask your nearest Service center for the details.

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