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Product Features

Code reader quickly reads various codes, realizing easier traceability

In the e-F@ctory, data read by code readers are utilized for quality control and traceability.
Mitsubishi Electric code readers are highly compatible with Mitsubishi Electric factory automation products. Read data are seamlessly coordinated with the edge computing level, realizing TCO*1 reduction.

*1. Total Cost of Ownership

Highest read rates for any challenging codes

Powerful algorithm can decode even the most damaged 2-D codes, scratched, poorly printed 1-D codes and codes with reflection.
Challenging codes such as on shiny, highly reflective, mirror or high-speed moving surfaces can be read.

Auto-tuning allows easy setup

Auto-tuning function enables automatic focusing and lighting adjustment.
Optimum setup according to the environment is easily done just by pressing a button.

Enhanced compatibility with Mitsubishi Electric programmable controllers

Mitsubishi Electric code readers which support CC-Link IE Field Network Basic and SLMP communication are highly compatible with factory automation products such as Mitsubishi Electric programmable controllers.
Supporting iQSS*2, code readers are automatically detected on the engineering tool, reducing configuration time.

*2. iQ Sensor Solution

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