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GOT Easy Drive Control (Inverter) Interactive Solutions

GOT Easy Drive Control (Inverter) Interactive Solutions [NEW]

Challenges that cannot be resolved just with the inverter can now be resolved with GOT2000 and inverter interactive functions.

Challenges that cannot be resolved just with the inverter can now be resolved with GOT2000 and inverter interactive functions.

The GOT2000 provides advanced functionality and improves connectivity with Mitsubishi Electric inverter systems. It provides some functions of FR Configurator2. The GOT Drive enhanced functionality is designed to eliminate need for additional hardware, software and suits customer's applications to realize central monitoring, speed up system startup, improve predictive maintenance and troubleshooting.

Drive control interactive functions and supported inverter models (GT Works3 Ver.1.240A)

See details of supported models and versions

◯:Supported   ×:Not supported   △:Only monitorable parameters are supported   -:Not applicable   ●:Sample screen available

CASE 1CASE 2CASE 3CASE 4FR-A800 Plus Series
Ethernet connectionCC-Link IE Field
Network connection
via programmable controller
CC-Link IE TSN connection via programmable controller [NEW]Ethernet connection via programmable controllerRS-485 connectionEthernet connectionCC-Link IE Field
Network connection
via programmable controller
connection via
programmable controller
RS-485 connection
FR-E800-E [NEW]
FR-E800-E [NEW]
FR-E800 [NEW]FR-E700/
FR-A800-E-AWH [NEW]/
FR-A800-E-LC [NEW]
FR-A800-LC [NEW]+
FR-A800-E-AWH [NEW]/
FR-A800-E-LC [NEW]
FR-A800-AWH [NEW]/
FR-A800-LC [NEW]
Function availableSample screen*1*3Function availableSample screen*1*3Function availableSample screen*1*3Function availableSample screen*1*3Function availableSample screen*1*3Function availableSample screen*1*3Function availableSample screen*1*3Function availableSample screen*1*3*6Function availableSample screen*1*3Function availableSample screen*1*3*6Function availableSample screen*1*3Function availableSample screen*1*3Function availableSample screen*1*3Function availableSample screen*1*3
  • *1 The sample screen is the project data that is included in GT Works3 (Ver.1.235V or later). Sample screens are not supported by GT23, GT21, GS21, and SoftGOT.
  • *2 The sample screen for CASE 1 can be used by changing the controller setting into the one for the system configuration to be used.
  • *3 If the sample screen of the required inverter is not available, monitoring is possible by creating a project and setting the inverter parameters and devices in the numerical displays and lamps on the user's screen. For the details, please see here.
  • *4 The function can be used when GOT and personal computer are connected with USB.
  • *5 Settings need to be changed so that the CPU devices assigned to RY link devices can be controlled directly from GOT.
  • *6 The sample screen monitors one specific inverter. Switching inverters by selecting a station number is not supported.

GOT and inverter system configurations

Select the required connection type to match your system configuration. Multiple inverters can be monitored with one GOT by switching the target station number.

CASE 1 Direct connection with Ethernet

Direct connection with Ethernet
  • *1 The models with an Ethernet port are supported among GT21 models.
  • *2 The models with SERIAL “*88******” or later on the rating plate are supported.
  • *3 Line topology is also supported by FR-E800-E.

CASE 2 CC-Link IE connection via programmable controller

CC-Link IE connection via programmable controller
  • *1 GT21 and GS21 support Ethernet connection only.
  • *2 In the CC-Link IE TSN configuration, select a switching hub by referring to the relevant manual for the programmable controller used.
  • *3 The models with SERIAL “*83******” or later on the rating plate are supported.
  • *4 The FR-A8NCE with SERIAL “*83***” or later is supported.
  • *5 The models with SERIAL “*96******” or later (made in Japan) or “*97******” or later (made in China) on the rating plate are supported.
  • *6 Set the third octet of the inverter's IP address to the network No., and set the fourth octet to the station number.

CASE 3 Ethernet connection via programmable controller

Ethernet connection via programmable controller
  • *1 GT21 and GS21 support Ethernet connection only.
  • *2 The models with SERIAL “*88******” or later (for FR-E700-SC-NNE and FR-E700-SC-ENE, “*89******” or later) on the rating plate are supported.
  • *3 Line topology is also supported by FR-E800-E.

CASE 4 Direct connection with RS-485

Direct connection with RS-485
  • *1 Connect to the RS-422 interface of GS21.

Three-step simple startup

There are various sample screens that can be used with the GOT2000 for inverter parameter setting, batch monitoring, and machine diagnosis (load characteristics measurement), etc. Use the sample screens for easy system startup.


Select and connect the GOT and inverter.

Connect with your preferred connection type

Sample screens*1*2 matching the connection type can be used for the user's project data.

Sample screens*1*2 matching the connection type can be used for the user's project data.

Transfer the project data to the GOT.

Transfer the project data to the GOT.
  • *1 Sample screens are included with GT Works3 (Ver.1.235V or later). For the details, please contact your local sales office.
  • *2 Sample screens are available for the GOT type GT27**-V (640 × 480) only. The GOT type can be changed, and used for a GOT with different resolution. Sample screens are not supported by GT23, GT21, GS21, and SoftGOT.
 ■ Related materials
GOT2000 Drive Control (Inverter) Interactive Solutions

< Contents >
Challenges that cannot be resolved just with the inverter can now be resolved with GOT2000 and inverter interactive functions.

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