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Product Features

What is realized with GT SoftGOT2000 and the GOT Mobile function

The GOT Mobile function can be added to the overall monitoring system that utilizes GT SoftGOT2000 in order to setup multiple
ANDON monitors, monitor the shop floor from your office, and visualize the entire factory.
The equipment status can also be checked on mobile devices so that you can perform maintenance work smoothly.

What is realized with GT SoftGOT2000 and the GOT Mobile function


  • • This function is supported only when using GT SoftGOT2000 (Multi-channel).
  • • When using the Pocket GOT mobile app with the GOT Mobile function, up to 20 information devices can be used.
 ■ Related materials
Bring shop floor monitoring to various locations
GT SoftGOT2000 now supports the GOT Mobile function
Easy remote monitoring just with a personal computer at the shop floor
Visualize the entire factory
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Enhanced GOT Remote Interaction Function Supporting Android Mobile application Pocket GOT release

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3.9MB (PDF)

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