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Product Features


SoftGOT2000 will provide solutions for production issues

Issues in building systems
solves issues
Easy connection between a personal computer and industrial devices at the shop floor
Various communication drivers are supported to enable easy connection of industrial devices
Creating screens easily without excess efforts
Simple operation for beginners enables easy screen creation
Collectively monitoring programmable controllers of different manufacturers
Programmable controllers from multiple manufacturers
can be monitored collectively
Collectively monitor multiple lines from an office
Multiple lines can be monitored collectively on a single personal computer
Monitoring the information of
on-site GOT as is from office personal computer
The same screens as the
on-site GOT can be monitored
on a personal computer
Easily supporting
FDA 21 CFR Part 11 of systems
Various functions to support
FDA 21 CFR Part 11 are available
Issues in system operation
solves issues
Improving work efficiency by interacting with applications created by the users
Data interaction with user-created
applications improves work efficiency
Quick restoration in case of problem occurrence
Various maintenance functions can be used for troubleshooting
Securing security
User management with
access control and operation log enhances security
Issues in IoT solutions
solves issues
Easy data analysis of the shop floor with IoT solutions
Edgecorss enables analysis of various data at the shop floor
Effective use of the information separately stored in each device
Easy data collection, visualization, and collective management of data from multiple devices and different manufacturers
Issues in system expansion
solves issues
Data interaction by easily connecting IT systems and the shop floor
OPC UA enables easy connection
with IT systems
Easy operation and monitoring of process control
MELSEC process control monitoring tool enables simple monitoring
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