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Data collection solution

Mitsubishi Electric FA products support data utilization

Our products help customers solve problems in various data utilization situations.

I want to easily collect data from the manufacturing site into field equipment

Case 1
I want to easily collect data from the manufacturing site into field equipment
Utilizing the logging function and simple CPU communication function , data can be easily collected from various devices and PLCs of other companies.
You can collect the data of various devices connected to the PLC simply by setting the parameters. Data can be collected not only from our sequencers but also from other companies' sequencers.
* 1. Only Ethernet interface module and display unit GOT / SoftGOT are supported.

Product details

I want to use the data collected in the PLC in the IT system

Case 2
I want to use the data collected in the PLC in the IT system
By utilizing FA-IT information linked products, it is possible to directly access the IT system from the manufacturing site.

Product details

There are various devices and networks at the site, so it is difficult to connect and collect.

Case 3
There are various devices and networks at the site, so it is difficult to connect and collect.
With the MELIPC equipped with Edgecross as standard , data can be collected from various devices afterwards, expanding the range of data utilization.

Product details

I want to collect data and put it together in a report

Case 4
I want to collect data and put it together in a report
You can create daily and batch reports with numbers and graphs using a preset layout .

Product details

I want to easily visualize logging data

Case 5
I want to easily visualize logging data
Collected logging data can be captured and displayed easily
Large amounts of data and events accumulated by logging can be displayed and analyzed with easy-to-understand operations, and data confirmation work can be performed efficiently.

Product details

I want to confirm the collected data at the production site

Case 6
I want to confirm the collected data at the production site
You can easily visualize the operating status without specialized knowledge

Easy visualization on-site display GOT by using eF @ ctory support module

The eF @ ctory support module is a sample project for the sequencer MELSEC iQ-R series and GOT2000 series that realizes "visualization" and "simple analysis" of production site data. It is possible to realize IoT at the production site level with only basic settings such as device allocation and parameter settings.

* 1. The screen image may change without notice.

iQ Monozukuri Using Andon to easily build an Andon system

iQ Monozukuri Andon is an application package that allows you to easily build an Andon system using GOT2000. The ANDON display enables information sharing among workers and improves productivity.

* 2. For details on the Web browser, refer to Mitsubishi Electric FA Application Package iQ Monozukuri ANDON Operation Manual SH-081686.

Product details

I want to check the condition of equipment on the production site from an office or a remote place

Case 7
I want to check the condition of equipment on the production site from an office or a remote place
Wide range of remote monitoring is possible from equipment level to detailed monitoring of the entire factory

Full range of products and functions that realize remote monitoring according to the operation level

Operation level Realized products / functions
Detailed integrated remote monitoring from equipment level to the entire factory MC Works64 (SCADA software)
Easy remote monitoring from equipment level to multiple line level GT SoftGOT2000 (HMI software)
Simple remote monitoring of equipment level remote monitoring with a Web browser GOT Mobile function (Display GOT function) Web server function (MELSEC iQ-R / iQ-F series CPU module function)

Product details

I want to perform energy-saving analysis based on the amount of electricity used and the number of products produced.

Case 8
I want to perform energy-saving analysis based on the amount of electricity used and the number of products produced.
Data can be visualized and analyzed specially for energy saving data
It is possible to perform various analyzes by importing energy information such as electric energy and production information accumulated in a sequencer (PLC).

Product details

I want to easily perform analysis / diagnosis using a sophisticated algorithm on a sequencer

Case 9
I want to easily perform analysis / diagnosis using a sophisticated algorithm on a sequencer
With the eF @ ctory support module, you can introduce a system that can perform advanced analysis and diagnosis in a short period of time and at low cost .
We would like to introduce some of the functions provided as the eF @ ctory support module.
eF @ ctory support module

Waveform guard band monitoring

Features of this function
  • Create a guard band waveform based on the reference waveform and monitor the waveform of input data.
  • The created guard band waveform can be saved / read as CSV. It is also possible to read the guard band waveform created on a personal computer.

Benefits of introducing the eF @ ctory support module

1 Can be introduced at low cost
  • Since it is not necessary to create the sequence program and screen data from scratch, the introduction cost can be reduced.
1 Easy IoT of equipment
  • IoT function can be added only with basic settings * 1
* 1. Device allocation, parameter setting, etc.

MT method simple diagnosis solution

MT method * 2 A
  • Multivariate analysis method for anomaly detection.
  • Normality / abnormality is determined by creating a standard (unit space) from normal data and digitizing the degree of deviation (Mahalanobis distance) between the standard and measured data.
* 2. MT stands for Maharanobis-Taguchi

Features of this function
  • The sequencer calculates time series data and vibration data feature quantities, and the Mahalanobis distance is monitored by the MT method.
  • Since data can be collected, visualized / analyzed, and diagnosed directly with the sequencer and GOT, the necessary equipment is easily available and maintainable, and it is easy to install on site.

Product details

Want to improve quality and perform predictive maintenance by analyzing various data at the production site.

Case 10
Want to improve quality and perform predictive maintenance by analyzing various data at the production site
Various data can be visualized, analyzed, and diagnosed, and a solution that suits each problem can be derived.
In the film forming process of a vacuum deposition device for electronic parts, we want to predict the film quality result from the equipment state data before film formation and suppress the occurrence of film quality defects
Flow from analysis to operation / diagnosis
  • A multiple regression analysis is performed and a prediction formula for predicting the film quality result is derived from the equipment state data.
  • By predicting the film quality result in real time, the occurrence of defective film quality products is suppressed.
In the film forming process of a vacuum deposition device for electronic parts, we want to predict the film quality result from the equipment state data before film formation and suppress the occurrence of film quality defects

Product details

Predicting maintenance of equipment by diagnosing vibration data of rotating machinery

Case 11
Predicting maintenance of equipment by diagnosing vibration data of rotating machinery
Vibration data can be analyzed and diagnosed to detect equipment abnormalities
Want to perform predictive maintenance of equipment easily by performing vibration analysis while suppressing initial investment

Support module vibration analysis

The eF @ ctory support module is a sample project for MELSEC iQ-R series and GOT2000 series. Since general-purpose vibration analysis such as frequency analysis (FFT) and monitoring of vibration intensity for each frequency band is possible, it can be used for vibration analysis of various equipment.

Applicable equipment example:

Equipment such as glass cutting equipment, grinders, etc., where vibration is expected to change during abnormal times

I am not very familiar with vibration analysis and diagnosis, but I would like to diagnose abnormal parts of rotating machinery

Rotating machine vibration diagnosis

We provide packaged projects for MELSEC iQ-R series and GOT2000 series whose operation is guaranteed by our company.
Simply connect the required equipment, install the package program and screen data, and start general-purpose vibration analysis and rotary machine vibration diagnosis. You can even diagnose what is wrong with equipment that has a rotating mechanism.

Applicable equipment example:

Equipment with rotating machines such as motors, blowers, compressors, pumps, speed-up / down gears, conveyors, converting machines (equipment such as press machines that generate impact vibrations or self-propelled equipment such as AGVs are not included)

Product details