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Data collection / analysis solution

Mitsubishi Electric FA product lineup

EcoAdviser Energy Saving Analysis Application EcoServerⅢ Energy Saving Data Collection Server

Ideal for those who want to realize simple energy-saving visualization without spending engineering cost! By using EcoServer III, you can collect the data of measuring instruments (energy) and sequencers (production) connected to the network with simple settings. The collected data can be easily graphed and analyzed by EcoAdviser, or the created graphs can be freely combined to build a dashboard.

Select from 7 types of graphs according to the content you want to analyze

Current status I want to visualize the power usage status by area

In addition to time series, percentage display and ranking display are possible, so it can be used for prioritizing energy conservation

Basic unit management We want to manage not only power consumption but also production quantity

Even for production lines with multiple products, basic unit management by product type

Applied analysis
Two-factor correlation

Understanding production efficiency by correlating production and energy consumption

Pareto chart display of
applied analysis
error history

Understanding the error content to be dealt with

Applied analysis
threshold / target value diagnosis

Grasp the distribution of values ​​for each interval and use it as a guide for thresholds and target values