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Data collection / analysis solution

Mitsubishi Electric FA product lineup

High speed data logger unit

By logging various data in the production process, traceability at the production site is realized. Logging data can be recorded in Unicode ® / CSV / BIN file format. In addition, such as "Daily", "document", "report", a variety of materials, which according to the application Microsoft ® Excel ® can be generated graphically in the file format. In addition, the server PC (FTP server or Windows ® can automatically transfer the logging files in a shared folder).
File server cooperation
Standard price ¥ 180,000-
Click here for detailed specifications

Realizes data logging synchronized with sequence scan

Data can be collected every sequence scan and at millisecond intervals, and logging can be performed without leaking changes in specified control data.

Quick problem analysis when trouble occurs

By narrowing down and extracting only the data before and after the set trigger, it can be utilized for quick cause investigation and early recovery work.

Contribute to equipment operation analysis, trend analysis, and preventive maintenance

The number of times the conditions are met and the time can be logged without creating a ladder program. By converting the operating frequency and operating time of the device into data, it contributes to analysis of the operating status and trends of the device and preventive maintenance (life prediction).