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Data collection / analysis solution

Mitsubishi Electric FA product lineup

MES interface module

The MES interface improves productivity and quality by linking the sequence control system and IT system databases. The wizard-type dedicated setting tool automatically generates SQL * 1 statements, so there is no need to create a program for data communication. In addition, in recent years, there has been a demand for shorter tact time and enhanced traceability associated with higher performance of equipment / equipment at production sites, and it can also be used in applications where large amounts of data are sent and received.
* 1. SQL: Structured Query Language One of the languages ​​for operating relational databases.
Database linkage
Standard price JPY 230,000-
Click here for detailed specifications

65% reduction in system construction cost * 2

By using the MES interface, the PLC and database can be directly connected, and the system configuration can be simplified. Also, since no gateway PC or program is required for connection, the work man-hours and construction period for system construction will be reduced compared to conventional systems. Furthermore, by using the highly reliable MES interface, the maintenance and repair cost of the personal computer can be reduced.

* 2. The value is based on our calculation.