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Data collection / analysis solution

Mitsubishi Electric FA product lineup

Power measurement unit

Ideal for energy saving in production sites, equipment condition monitoring, and power measurement for quality control applications. By monitoring the power consumption and controlling the basic unit in synchronization with the control program, it contributes to the further improvement of productivity of the production line and machinery.
Electric power measurement
Click here for detailed specifications

Contributes to energy saving and productivity improvement of production line by power measurement synchronized with control program

By managing the production information of the equipment (number of production / number of non-defective products, etc.) and electric energy together, it is possible to perform detailed basic unit management such as product type / process. By visualizing the points of deterioration in the basic unit, problems on the site can be found in real time and activities can be put into improving operations. By using the period power consumption measurement function and turning on the weighing flag at the time of production, you can grasp the energy consumption during production and during non-production. Energy saving is realized by grasping the wasteful standby power during non-production.

* 2. The value is based on our calculation.

* 1. The basic unit is a value indicated by "energy consumption / production amount (number of units, etc.)" and is one index for measuring energy productivity.
* 2. The sample screen of the display unit GOT (GOT2000) can be downloaded from the Mitsubishi Electric FA website. [Target model] GT27 **-V (640 × 480)

Achieves faster measurement data update cycle (10 ms)

Achieves detailed power measurement for each production facility. One unit can measure electric energy (consumption / regeneration), reactive energy, current * 3 , voltage * 3 , electric power, power factor, frequency, harmonic current, harmonic voltage, etc. By constantly monitoring the current of the motor, etc., line stop and down time can be avoided, delivery time troubles due to production stoppage, maintenance man-hours, and costs are reduced. In addition, by detecting abnormalities in the voltage and current of the manufacturing equipment and lotting out the products produced in the event of abnormalities, we prevent the outflow of defective products to the market.

* 3. Waveform data can be acquired for current and voltage.