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Data collection / analysis solution

Mitsubishi Electric FA product lineup

iQ Monozukuri Rotating machine vibration diagnosis

"IQ Monozukuri Rotating Machine Vibration Diagnosis" is an application that collects, analyzes, and diagnoses vibration data of equipment that has a rotating mechanism, and supports visualization of equipment status and estimation of abnormal locations.
We provide a control program and screen data whose operation is guaranteed by us in one package. Since it can be used as it is just by installing it, it can be installed easily and smoothly without knowing vibration analysis.

Easy introduction for rotating machine vibration diagnosis!

Install a sensor!

Attach a vibration sensor to the equipment to build a system.

Install the program!

Simply install the control program and screen data to start vibration diagnosis immediately.

With rotating machine vibration diagnosis, you can tell what is wrong!

Simple diagnosis
"Check for any abnormalities!"
The current vibration level is compared with the reference value to judge the condition of the equipment.
Precision diagnosis
Precise diagnosis to "estimate the abnormal part!"
The characteristic frequency is calculated from the specifications of the components of the equipment, and the abnormal location is estimated by monitoring.