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Equipment design efficiency solution

Make equipment design smart! !!
The engineering chain consists of "design phase" and "manufacturing / operation / maintenance phase". In smart factory engineering at eF @ ctory, we will start from system design and improve the efficiency of maintenance by linking "our engineering tools" and "partner products".
Shortening on-site adjustment time
Design site
I'm worried that the local machine will work properly ...

By utilizing the 3D simulator and verifying the mechanism and control operation in advance, the on- site adjustment time is shortened!
Mitsubishi Electric offers a wide variety of simulators, including programmable controllers, motion controllers, robots, and displays . It is possible to verify the device without an actual device in cooperation with a partner-made 3D simulator .
Traditional design phase

Verification of device operation and control programs using simulators

Checks mechanical interference and control logic, enables input / output handshaking and time synchronization between simulations

Significantly reduced on-site adjustment time
Easy identification of problem areas

Verification of device operation and control programs using simulators

Shorter start-up period due to preliminary verification of mechanical and control on the desk by cooperation with simulation operation

By using 3D CAD machine models and linking 3D simulators of various companies with various simulators of MELSOFT iQ Works, development verification can be performed without using an actual machine.
In addition, by operating the 3D simulator and our various simulators on the same time axis, it is possible to verify the timing of each device mechanism and the takt time of the entire line.

In addition, by linking with 3D simulators of various companies that can calculate the shape, mass, friction, etc. of the work, it is possible to verify the performance of the equipment on the desk.

Click here for details on MELSOFT iQ Works

Our simulator available
Sequencer simulator Motion controller simulator Robot simulator Display simulator

Partner solution introduction

Mitsubishi Electric is collaborating with many partner manufacturers to propose optimal solutions to customers. Find partner solutions here.

eF @ ctory Alliance
Related materials
Created: March 2019
Capacity: 1.52MB (PDF)