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Embedded system solution (C controller)

SECS / GEM communication software


Realizes SECS * 1 / GEM communication with host server without PC or program

• Realization of various communications without programs

Various communication functions can be added to the sequencer only by setting the handshake of the data device and the trigger relay. Various communication logs and sequencer logs can also be output. A large amount of equipment process data can be reported without a gateway PC, and existing equipment can be brought online.

Supported communication protocols

• Significant reduction in installation and running costs

By distributing setting data to multiple equipment manufacturers, a new line can be started up quickly. Even when changing communication specifications, it is possible to respond quickly with only the settings, which can significantly reduce the number of development steps.

• Reduce the cost of installing SECS equipment

Utilizing the linkage between the C Controller and SECS / GEM communication software, SECS-based communication interfaces can be easily implemented throughout the factory. In addition to reducing the hardware cost of the gateway PC, it solves the problems caused by using the PC in a clean room.

The MES * 2 system can be connected to the factory to save sequencer information. After the operation, even if the SECS / GEM communication specifications change, it will respond flexibly without modifying the program.

* 1. SECS: SEMI Equipment Communications Standard
* 2. MES: Manufacturing Execution Systems

SECS / GEM communication software