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Embedded system solution (C controller)

uLinux Station + / uLinux Station


Easy replacement of PC with C language controller using Linux ® development assets

• Basic configuration of Linux ® system

A web-based application that incorporates a Linux ® system (Lineo uLinux * 1 ) into the C language controller and enables basic system settings for that Linux ® system. Using a Web browser on a personal computer , you can easily start and stop basic Linux ® services and view system logs.

• Functional overview

• Main system information display and operation using MELSEC
• Network / system settings for uLinux systems
• Connection / disconnection setting of external storage to uLinux system
• Refer to the system log of the uLinux system
• Process Excel ® file data created on a personal computer
(uLinux Station + * 2 )

uLinux Station

Forms can be displayed and printed directly from a C controller without a personal computer.

• Lineo uLinux ELITE / BSP Q24DHCCPU-LS Basic Edition

Embedded Linux ® development environment dedicated to the C Controller Q24DHCCPU-LS / Q26DHCCPU-LS . * 3
・ 100% pure open source
・ No RunTime license fee is required
・ High reliability is secured
・ Maintenance is possible for a long time

• Web site for C controller developers (eldmicc) * 4

This is a dedicated site for developers that provides technical information for installing Linux ® on the C Controller Q24DHCCPU-LS / Q26DHCCPU-LS . We provide programs to support Linux ® system development, technical information and update information.

* 1 Lineo uLinux:. Lineo Solutions, Inc. is embedded Linux to provide development · ® is.
* 2. ULinux Station + can be used only with Q26DHCCPU-LS-B031.
* 3. A separate contract is required to use the preinstalled uLinux customization.
* 4. Targeted to Lineo uLinux ELITE users who support the C language controller, but non-users can also view.

Contact us
Lineo Solutions Inc. Tokyo Office

TEL: 03-5367-9098 URL: