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Safety solutions

Protecting people and protecting human safety and equipment

“Equipment and people can coexist.”
“If safety cannot be confirmed, always stop the equipment.”
These are the two points of safety control that protect people.

To this end, we have a special lineup of highly multiplexed wiring and control circuits.

Human safety and equipment protection

"Emergency stop of power equipment." A
function that properly handles inertia and inertia is indispensable for realizing human safety and equipment protection.

Mitsubishi Electric's safe drive products are stipulated in IEC61800-5-2 such as STO (Safe Torque OFF), SS (Safe Stop), SOS (Safe Operating Stop), SLS (Safely-Limited Speed), etc. Supports safety functions related to drive equipment.

Mitsubishi Safety Solutions achieves a high level of both human safety and equipment protection.

<Symbols in the graph below>
V: Speed
Vmax: Specified speed limit value
S1, S2: Specified safe position
: Safe area
Safety standard IEC61800-5-2
STO (Safe torque off) Motor drive energy is cut off electronically in the drive unit based on input signals from external devices. (Secondary-side output cutoff) Equivalent to stop category 0 of IEC60204-1.
SS1 (Safe stop 1) Starts deceleration based on the input signal (SS1 signal) from the external device. The STO function is executed after the specified time has passed to confirm that the stop has occurred . (SS1)
This corresponds to Stop Category 1 of IEC60204-1.
SS2 (Safe stop 2) * Starts deceleration based on the input signal (SS2 signal) from the external device. The SOS function is executed after the specified time has passed to confirm that the operation has stopped . (SS2)
This corresponds to Stop Category 2 of IEC60204-1.
SOS (Safe operating stop) * It monitors that the motor does not deviate from the stop position beyond the specified range. The state where energy was supplied to the motor.
SLS (Safely-limited speed) * Function to monitor that the speed limit is not exceeded. When the specified speed limit is exceeded, the energy is shut off by STO or SS1.
SSM (Safe speed monitor) * Outputs a safety output signal when the motor speed is within the specified speed.
SBC (Safe brake control) * Outputs a safety output signal (SBC output signal) for external brake control.
*: Servo only