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Safety solutions


Basic configuration

* 1. Safety communication is possible between the safety sequencer and the safety remote I / O.
* 2. Only general communication is possible between the safety sequencer and the inverter.
* 3. An electromagnetic contactor is not required to meet the STO's requirements, but an electromagnetic contactor is installed to avoid inverter alarms and the risk of electric shock to the operator.

Product Line

Product name Model name Features
Inverter FREQROL-A800 series FR-A820- □ FR-A840- □ FR-A842- □ FR-A846- □ High-performance, high-quality new high-end inverter. Compatible with safety standards in pursuit of improved drive performance and ease of use.
Inverter FREQROL-E700 series FR-E720-SC FR-E720-NC FR-E720-NF FR-E740-SC FR-E740-NC FR-E740-NF Achieved top-level drive performance in a compact, more durable, more powerful.
Inverter FREQROL-D700 series FR-D720- □ FR-D740- □ In addition to improving reliability and maintainability, we have further pursued easy operation and performance.