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Safety solutions

Safety relay unit

Basic configuration

Attached to base unit for Q series

Connect to field network CC-Link

Product Line

Product name Model name specification
Safety relay unit QS90SR2SP-Q Safety input: 1 point (2 inputs), P type (plus common / plus common input)
Safety output: 1 point (3 outputs) for MELSEC-Q series
QS90SR2SN-Q Safety input: 1 point (2 inputs), N type (positive / negative common input)
Safety output: 1 point (3 outputs) for MELSEC-Q series
QS90SR2SP-CC Safety input: 1 point (2 inputs), P type (plus common / plus common input)
Safety output: 1 point (3 outputs) for CC-Link (remote I / O station)
QS90SR2SN-CC Safety input: 1 point (2 inputs), N type (positive / negative common input)
Safety output: 1 point (3 outputs) For CC-Link (remote I / O station)
Safety relay unit for expansion QS90SR2SP-EX Safety input: 1 point (2 inputs), P type (plus common / plus common input)
Safety output: 1 point (3 outputs)
QS90SR2SN-EX Safety input: 1 point (2 inputs), N type (positive / negative common input)
Safety output: 1 point (3 outputs)
Safety circuit extension cable QS90CBL-SE01 10cm
QS90CBL-SE15 1.5m