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Safety solutions


Approach to the work area without stopping the robot

  • The safety input function allows the safety door to be opened without causing an emergency stop of the robot. Therefore, automatic operation of the robot can be continued even when the safety fence door is open.
  • As long as a person has entered the collaborative work area, the robot will not approach that area (movement range limiting function). Therefore, people and robots can share the work area, and collaborative work is possible
  • During collaborative work, it operates continuously while maintaining a safe speed to ensure human safety and security
  • When the safety door closes, the system automatically switches from collaborative work to single work and resumes approach to the common area
  • Conforms to the following international standards, achieving high safety
IEC / EN 61800-5-2: 2007 features Content
ISTO (Safe torque off) Safe torque cutoff SIL 2, Category 3 PL d
SS1 (Safe stop 1) Safety stop 1
SLS (Safely-limited speed) Safe speed limit
SLP (Safely-limited position) Position monitoring function
STR (Safe torque range) Torque width monitoring function
* For details, refer to the MELFA FR series catalog (L (NA) 09092).

Safety option use scene

Isolate the area with a surveillance plane and take safety measures
  • Robot operates at high speed when safety fence is closed
  • When the safety fence is opened, the robot continues low-speed operation inside the monitoring plane. Workers can perform inspection work etc. inside the safety fence and outside the monitoring plane

Eliminate safety fences and use area sensors for safety measures
  • Limits the operating speed of the robot when a worker enters the restricted area
  • The robot stops moving when approaching the stop area further

System configuration example