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Safety solutions



Safety controller setting / monitor tool Safety controller setting / monitoring tool. A safety system can be easily constructed by connecting safety sensors / switches and function blocks dedicated to safety.
Ethernet communication sample program This is a sample program for the QJ71E71-100 and QCPU with a built-in Ethernet port described in the safety controller Ethernet interface module user's manual (details).


Sample program for simple MES interface function This is a sample ladder program for the simple MES interface function.

Library for PL evaluation SISTEMA

Library for SISTEMA Safety data for PL evaluation support tool SISTEMA.
SISTEMA is software for calculating and evaluating a new performance index: PL (performance level). It is provided free of charge by the German institution IFA (Institute of Financial Accountants). SISTEMA has revised the performance indicators of safety-related parts in control systems from the 2006 version of ISO13849-1.
By loading this library on SISTEMA, it is possible to reduce the subsystem data input load required for PL evaluation for safety systems including safety programmable controllers, safety controllers, and safety relay units. .