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Embedded system solution (C controller)

Contact information

Technical consultation service for C language controller

Refer to the table below for technical consultation services regarding the C Controller.
If you do not know the type of inquiry, please contact us.
Please note that we may not be able to respond to inquiries other than those related to MELSEC.

Type Inquiry contents Contact information
MELSEC related Contents related to the functions and specifications of the C Controller Contents of specifications and usage of library functions (CCPU function, QBF function, MD function) provided by our company Dedicated setting / monitoring tool (SWPVC-CCPU), CW Workbench functions and specifications Contents related to functions and specifications of other our products (various units, MELSOFT) used in conjunction with the C Controller Click here
for inquiries regarding Mitsubishi Electric Corporation technologies and functions
OS related General contents of VxWorks ® functions and specifications, API functions provided by VxWorks ® , and related programming Wind River Workbench, Tornado ® features and specifications Wind River Co., Ltd. (Japanese subsidiary)
URL: Open this with other window * For details, see "Support for partner products (OS)" below.
Content about Lineo uLinux ELITE Lineo Solutions, Inc. Tokyo Office
TEL: 03-5367-9098 FAX: 03-5367-9099
* For details, see "Support for partner products (OS)" below.
Contents related to eT-Kernel ESOL Co., Ltd.
URL: Open this with other window
* For details, see "Support for partner products (OS)" below.
Partner product related Contents on partner product functions and specifications Partner Product Provider
Plug-in tool related Contents on plug-in tools to be used by customers embedded in CW Workbench or Wind River Workbench Plugin provider

Support for partner products (OS)

[Wind River Co., Ltd.]

Introducing the support provided by Wind River Corporation for VxWorks ® and Wind River Workbench.
Please contact Wind River Corporation for details such as costs and maintenance contracts.
Please note that training and support content may change.
(URL: Open this with other window Fax: 03-5778-6005 (Tokyo), 06-6100-5761 (Osaka))

category Content

For training on VxWorks ® and Wind River Workbench, use the following courses hosted by Wind River Corporation.

VxWorks ® 6.x and Workbench Master Course Tool Debugging (VX001) Quickly
master Wind River Workbench and learn real-time application debugging techniques.

VxWorks ® 6.x and Workbench Master Course Programming Edition (VX002) You can learn the technology to create

VxWorks ® real-time applications in a short time.

support service

This service provides on-site (customer-specified) support for product introduction and provides flexible support according to the actual customer environment.

VxWorks ® programming course for Mitsubishi Electric C-language controller With
a service for SI models (IOT) for Mitsubishi Electric C-language controller and CW Workbench users , training on VxWorks ® programming and debugging using Workbench in one day . In addition, VxWorks for a fee option ® programming, CW Workbench remote support of (e-Mail, telephone) also provides.


It will be supported annually by a maintenance contract.

Contract model Support contents
VxWorks ® Subscription License VxWorks ® OS specifications for, will be the support for programming.
SI model Supports the functions and operations of Wind River Workbench.

[Lineo Solutions Inc.]
Introducing the support provided by Lineo Solutions Co., Ltd. regarding Lineo uLinux and Lineo uLinux ELITE.
Please contact Lineo Solutions, Inc. for details such as costs and maintenance contracts.
Please note that training content and support content may change.
(URL: Open this with other window E-mail:

category Content

We offer courses that enable you to acquire the knowledge and technology required to incorporate Linux ® into a C Controller from introductory to advanced levels.

Embedded Linux ® Introductory Course (1 day course) You will acquire basic ideas and basic knowledge required for embedded Linux ® system development through practical training.
Embedded Linux ® practical course (two-day course) Based on an overview of embedded Linux ® and an understanding of basic concepts, practical training including its application and programming is performed.
Linux ® device driver development course (3-day course) In addition to general Linux ® matters such as the relationship between the Linux ® kernel, installed memory, CPU and I / O management and control, and the structure of source code , embedded Lectures and hands-on acquisition of the entire picture, including device-specific settings and development environment creation.

support service

This service provides on-site (customer-specified) product introduction support, and the support content can be flexibly adapted according to the actual customer environment.

Mitsubishi Electric C language controller embedded Linux ® development course optimal Linux in C language controller use the ULinux ELITE Lineo ® will be the course for you to build and implement the system.


We will support your Linux ® system development with a support contract . We have a flexible support model for the period and content.
In addition, support for how to use ELITE is attached to the purchased Lineo uLinux ELITE. You can also use the dedicated site eldmicc (URL: ) that provides technology for developers .

[ESOL Corporation]
Kernel-ET, EBinder ® will introduce the support of eSOL Co., Ltd. provides about. Please contact eSOL Co., Ltd. for details such as the cost and the maintenance contract period. Please note that training content and support content may change. (URL:  E-mail:

category Content

Not only lectures, but also training using emulators.

eBinder ® IDE Training (Basic Edition) [6.0-hour course] This is a training course to give you an overview of eBinder ® , the knowledge and procedures required for installation and development, and how to use each function through lectures and practical training.
Real-time OS Training (Basic Edition) [6.5 hour course] This is a training program to learn the outline of RTOS and various functions and usage of ITRON / T-Kernel in a lecture style.

support service

This service provides on-site (customer-specified) product introduction support, and the support content can be flexibly adapted according to the actual customer environment.


Maintenance services are available for customers who have purchased the product. The following services are provided to customers who have subscribed to maintenance services.

Contents of maintenance service
1) Answer to inquiries by e-mail about products
2) Provision of minor version upgrade products
3) Provision of FAQs, patches and related materials from web support service

Introduction of C language controller training provided by Polytech Center * 1

* 1 Vocational Ability Development Center

The Polytech Center offers a C Controller training course.
You can use the actual machine to learn the procedure up to operation and check the operation, so please use it.

Course name Training content Overview
PLC programming technology (C language utilization) Through FA control training, you will learn practical techniques related to the configuration, functions, and performance of production systems that combine ladder programming and high-level languages. Polytech Center Kansai
TEL: 06-6383-0064 FAX: 06-6383-0961

Introduction of training school

At the Mitsubishi Electric FA Technical Center, we hold a detailed explanation of FA equipment by specialized engineers, a training school with hands-on actual operation experience of the user himself, and an exhibition of Mitsubishi FA related products with a rich lineup. . Please drop in casually.

Learn more about training schools

Domestic support (Mitsubishi Electric Service Network)

Mitsubishi Electric System Services Co., Ltd. is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Mitsubishi Electric System Service Co., Ltd.Service