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Instrumentation solution (MELSEC instrumentation)

Ice storage equipment

Sherbet-like ice is made at night, and it is cooled by flowing it through a pipe during the day.

Control contents

Heat exchanger for ice making and freezing Supercooling heat exchanger temperature compensation control, freeze release control, ice making water calorie calculation
Brine chilled water heat exchanger Brine exchanger temperature compensation control
Heat exchanger for heat dissipation Temperature compensation control of heat exchanger for heat radiation, pressure control of cold and hot water
Ice nucleus melting heat exchanger Subcooling heat exchanger temperature compensation control


Various controls for air-conditioning control were built using the FBD program. We control the switching of cooling and heating operations according to the season. The heat storage is also calculated using the FBD program.
The Web server unit also enables remote monitoring such as alarm information transmission and data collection via the Internet.