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Instrumentation solution (MELSEC instrumentation)

Liquid detergent mixing equipment

Distributed control is performed using the process CPU for the mixed system and sequence CPU for the packaging system.

Control contents

Based on the raw material A, the set value of raw material A (main raw material) and the ratio of other raw materials are set from the host computer and GOT according to the production plan, and the flow ratio of raw materials B to D is controlled based on raw material A. The flow rate of raw materials is controlled by an inverter, and the temperature of the pure hot water tank is controlled.


Environmentally resistant GOT at the site and monitoring operation such as PID adjustment at the monitoring PC of the monitoring room by linking PX Developer monitor tool and GT SoftGOT2000 . The instrumentation monitoring screen for GOT is automatically generated by the PX Developer monitor tool, and the same screen is used in GT SoftGOT2000.