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Instrumentation solution (MELSEC instrumentation)

Process CPU, SIL2 process CPU, redundant function module (MELSEC iQ-R series)

Realizes high-speed and high-reliability system from small to large scale

Since the system can be constructed by the customer, the initial cost and running cost of the controller (such as DCS) dedicated to the maker are reduced, and fine-grained control according to the process conditions from simple loop control to complicated loop control is possible. Implement instrumentation control.
* 1. The number of loops is a guide. When a program other than the loop control becomes large, the number of loops may not be secured.

Remote placement of redundant system and high-speed system switching

By connecting a tracking cable that can extend the distance between the redundant systems to 550m, the control system and the standby system can be remotely located on separate control panels. Optical fiber cables for tracking cables are not affected by noise, and high-speed data communication is possible. System switching time is reduced to 10ms or less, and high-speed system switching from the control system to the standby system realizes continuous control with even higher reliability.

Increase reliability by reducing single points

Achieved redundancy across each layer by using a redundant configuration with a control CPU and a standby CPU, a dual network cable configuration with a double loop of CC-Link IE Field Network, and a dual configuration with two remote head units mounted on remote stations. , Reducing single points. By using a 2-port Ethernet interface unit, even if an error occurs in one port, communication with SCADA software can be continued on the other port without switching the system. Units can be replaced online without stopping system operation.

Mixed configuration of SIL 2-compliant units and non-compliant units is possible

In the field of highly public social infrastructure, monitoring and control systems also need to have high reliability, but at the same time, sequencers that comply with international safety standards are required. The MELSEC iQ-R series SIL2 duplex system has acquired the international safety standard IEC 61508 SIL 2 * 2 certification from T 世界 V Rheinland ® , the world's leading third-party certification body, to meet global needs To do.
* 2. Safety integrity level defined by international safety standards.
A SIL 2-compatible input / output configuration

Safety input / output is possible by configuring two input units with diagnostic function (RX40NC6B) and two output units with diagnostic function (RY40PT5B) and combining safety control programs.

B Analog input configuration for SIL 2

The safety control program consists of a total of four units, two insulated analog input units (R60AD8-G), one insulated analog output unit (R60DA8-G), and one output unit with diagnostic function (RY40PT5B). We realize safe A / D conversion. Obtains digital operation values from two analog input units and verifies the obtained digital operation values.

C Analog output configuration for SIL 2

Safety control program with a total of three units, one insulated analog output unit (R60DA8-G), one insulated analog input unit (R60AD8-G), and one analog SIL2 dedicated output unit (RY40PT5B-AS) Realizes safe D / A conversion. Checks whether the analog value output from the analog output unit is equivalent to the set value.

Click on A, B, C above .
* 3. For analog input (current / voltage), use M2MNV-13-R / CE-X (special order product special product number: 36111).
* 4. For analog output (current), M2MNV-13-R / CE-X (special order product special article number: 36111), for analog output (voltage), M2MNV-23-R / CE-X (special order product special order) Please use the article number: 36153).
CPU performance specifications
Arithmetic control method Stored program repetition operation
I / O control method Refresh method (Direct access I /
O is possible by specifying direct access I / O (DX, DY) )
Programming language Ladder diagram (LD), structured text (ST) * 5 ,
function block diagram (FBD) * 5 ,
sequential function chart (SFC) * 5
Programming extensions Function block (FB), label programming (system / local / global)
Program execution type Initial execution type * 5 , scan execution type * 5 , fixed cycle execution type, event execution type * 5 , standby type * 5
Number of input / output points [X / Y] [points] 4096 4096 4096 4096
Constant scan [ms]
(function to keep scan time constant)
0.2 to 2000
(can be set in 0.1 ms units)
Memory capacity
LD instruction [ns] 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98
MOV instruction [ns] 1.96 1.96 1.96 1.96
E + instruction (floating point addition) [ns] 9.8 9.8 9.8 9.8
ST language IF instruction * 7 [ns] 1.96 1.96 1.96 1.96
ST language FOR instruction * 7 [ns] 1.96 1.96 1.96 1.96
PC MIX value * 8 [Instruction / μs] 419 419 419 419
Peripheral device connection port
USB2.0 High Speed (miniB)
Ethernet (100BASE-TX / 10BASE-T)
Memory interface
SD memory card
Extended SRAM cassette
Safety standard
IEC 61508 SIL 2
Function * 9
Multiple interrupt function
Standard PID control function
Process control function
Data logging function
Security features
Unit synchronization function * 10
SLMP communication function
Online module replacement
-SET * 11
-SET * 11
-SET * 11
-SET * 11
Arithmetic control method Stored program repetition operation
I / O control method Refresh method (Direct access I / O is possible by specifying direct access I / O (DX, DY) )
Programming language Ladder diagram (LD), structured text (ST) * 5 ,
function block diagram (FBD) * 5 ,
sequential function chart (SFC) * 5
Programming extensions Function block (FB), label programming (system / local / global)
Program execution type Initial execution type * 5 , scan execution type * 5 , fixed cycle execution type, event execution type * 5 , standby type * 5
Number of input / output points [X / Y] [points] 4096 4096 4096 4096
Constant scan [ms]
(function to keep scan time constant)
0.2 to 2000
(can be set in 0.1 ms units)
Memory capacity
Program capacity [step] 80K * 12 160K * 12 320K * 12 1200K * 12
Program memory [byte] 320K 640K 1280K 4800K
Device / label memory (ECC compatible) * 6 [bytes] 1178K 1710K 2306K 3370K
Data memory [byte] 5M 10M 20M 40M
Instruction processing time
LD instruction [ns] 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98
MOV instruction [ns] 1.96 1.96 1.96 1.96
E + instruction (floating point addition) [ns] 9.8 9.8 9.8 9.8
ST language IF instruction * 7 [ns] 1.96 1.96 1.96 1.96
ST language FOR instruction * 7 [ns] 1.96 1.96 1.96 1.96
PC MIX value * 8 [Instruction / μs] 419 419 419 419
Peripheral device connection port
USB2.0 High Speed (miniB)
Ethernet (100BASE-TX / 10BASE-T)
Memory interface
SD memory card
Extended SRAM cassette
Safety standard
IEC 61508 SIL 2
Function * 9
Multiple interrupt function
Standard PID control function
Process control function
Data logging function
Security features
Unit synchronization function * 10
SLMP communication function
Online module replacement
* 5. Can be used only with general control programs.
* 6. The device / label memory area can be expanded by installing an extended SRAM cassette.
* 7. Control syntax such as IF and FOR statements in the ST language is realized by combining multiple instructions, and processing time is added according to conditions.
* 8. Average number of basic instructions and data processing instructions executed in 1 μs. The higher the value, the faster the processing speed.
* 9. The memory dump function and real-time monitor function cannot be used.
* 10. The inter-unit synchronization function cannot be used in the redundant mode.
* 11. Available only as a set of the SIL2 process CPU (R □ PSFCPU) and SIL2 functional unit (R6PSFM).
* 12. A program capacity of 40K steps is allocated for the safety control program.

Redundant function unit performance specifications
item R6RFM
communication cable Optical fiber cable (multimode fiber) * 13
Maximum cable length [m] 550 (when the core outer diameter is 50μm)
Tracking transfer capacity [word] 1M
* 13. Click here for information on fiber optic cables manufactured by Mitsubishi Electric System & Service Co., Ltd.