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Robot solution

Electric / electronic field

Main uses

System configuration image

Robot adoption points

High-speed parts kitting by a horizontal articulated robot, skillful assembly work by a vertical articulated robot, and high-performance hands (multi-hand, electric hand) compatible with various works.

High-speed kitting Realizes
high-speed picking from multiple pallets.
Space-saving and compatible with
a wide variety of products Utilizing the space-saving and wide motion range of a small horizontal articulated robot, we stock a wide variety of parts in a space-saving manner.
No need
to exchange hands for different types of workpieces Electric hand that can be easily connected to accommodate parts of different sizes and shapes.
Complex assembly operation
Complex assembly work is realized at low cost by taking advantage of the large degree of freedom and wide operating range of a small vertical articulated robot.
Tact shortening
Continuous assembly of parts with a multi-handed 4-head configuration that can be easily connected.

Control device configuration image

iQ Platform strengthens cooperation between PLC, GOT and robot. Optimal implementation of system operation and visualization. Achieves efficient production management with various networks and MES interfaces.

Reduction of takt time by high-speed communication between robot and PLC on iQ Platform
Unit saving due to robot additional axis function
Easy connection with MELSENSOR
Visualization of data by linking FA devices and wiring saving by various networks

Illumination switch assembly (video)

Illuminated switch assembly
Robot: RH-6FH, RV-2F

Multi-function, high-speed, high-reliability assembly work is simply realized with a multi-function hand.

  • A compact cell is realized by combining two robots.
  • High-speed kitting work for various types of parts with an electric hand.
  • Simultaneous transfer of multiple parts by multi-hand, continuous assembly, inspection work.
Please refer to the following for detailed specifications.