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Robot solution

Logistics field

System configuration image

Robot adoption points

High-speed palletizing operation by robot. The arm length and structure are optimized for palletizing work, improving the freedom of layout.

A high-speed
palletizing robot is used to achieve top-class high-speed palletizing.
Tact reduction
Optimal acceleration / deceleration control that maximizes the robot's capacity is applied according to the load and posture of the robot.
Flexible layout The
arm length and structure have been optimized to reduce the wasted space around the robot while adapting to the standard pallet size.
Stable quality
with automated work By automating work, quality and work speed variations among workers are homogenized.

Control device configuration image

Network functions such as CC-Link and Ethernet have also been enhanced, enabling connection with host PLCs and personal computers.

Visualization of data by linking FA devices and wiring saving by various networks