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iQ Sensor Solution (iQSS)


This is a position sensor that converts the amount of mechanical displacement in the rotation direction or linear direction into a digital value.
Synchronous control of main line and sub line

Detects the position of the main line and sub line of the conveyor line and controls the line synchronization.

NSDL Corporation

Multi-rotation type ABSOCODER detector MRE ®
PLC unit type converter
/ position detection unit VS-Q262B-M2PG * 1
・ Positioning unit VS-Q262-M2PG * 1
Multi-rotation type ABSOCODER detector MRE ®
* 1. Compatible with MELSEC-Q series
[M4G / MN4G-T8 series]
  • Position detection sensor NSC di-made Abusokoda ® . Non-contact structure for outstanding durability in adverse environments such as vibration, shock, water, oil, and dust
  • Abusokoda ® because of absolute method, even if power failure or accidental noise without losing sight of the current position of the control line, can be early return synchronization control line
  • Abusokoda ® limit switches or proximity switches for position detection by use is reduced free from the hassle of replacement and adjustment
  • The unit can be mounted directly to MELSEC, reducing wiring. Position data can also be easily retrieved with the MOV instruction, making it easy to build a control system
phone 052-261-2331
Fax 052-263-4189

List of compatible models

●: Supported ―: Not supported
Company name Series / model name Connection method
AnyWire ASLINK CC-Link CC-Link IE Field CC-Link IE Field Basic Ethernet Bus connection
NSDL Corporation Location detection unit VS-Q262B-M2PG
positioning unit-Q262-VS M2PG
* Multi rotary Abusokoda detector MRE ® corresponding to
● * 2
  • For the supported versions of each product, refer to the iQ Sensor Solution Reference Manual SH-081132-V.
  • For detailed specifications of each product, refer to the partner product manual.
* 2. Compatible with MELSEC-Q series.