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iQ Sensor Solution (iQSS)

MI Configurator

Setting and monitoring tool MI Configurator

MI Configurator is a setting and monitoring tool for MELIPC MI5000.


Integrated engineering tool MELSOFT iQ Works

MELSOFT iQ Works is an integrated engineering environment for our FA devices, which includes GX Works3 engineering environment for sequencers, GT Works3 engineering environment for display GOT, and others.
MELSOFT iQ Works's MELSOFT Navigator allows you to use the dedicated tool linkage function of iQSS.

GX Works3

Intuitive engineering tool GX Works3

Graphical and intuitive operability, simple programming by simply selecting, and diagnostic functions that can easily troubleshoot reduce engineering costs.

GX Works2

Engineering tool GX Works2

The sequencer can be programmed and adjusted using the engineering tool GX Works2.

The engineering software GX Works2 has been developed with consideration to make it easy for anyone to program, debug and maintain with intuitive operation. In a comfortable operation environment, design efficiency is further improved.