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iQ Sensor Solution (iQSS)

Pressure sensor

It detects the pressure of gas such as air, and can detect the source pressure and adsorption pressure of the device.
Equipment supply pressure monitoring

The supply pressure of the compressed air supplied to the device can be controlled. When the air supply decreases, the pressure drops and the sensor detects.

Anywire Corporation

ASLINKSENSOR pressure type
ASLINKSENSOR pressure type B284SB- □-□
  • Lineup of amplifier-integrated pressure sensors
  • Rated pressure range 4 types (4 models) * 1
  • Sensor output 3 types (1 point type, 2 point type, analog type)
  • Direct connection to AnyWireASLINK transmission line without remote I / O
  • Sensing level monitoring is possible
  • Sensor sensitivity settings can be written and read from the host
  • A / D conversion is performed even for analog output type, ensuring excellent noise resistance
  • Easy installation and maintenance work with less wiring
* 1. 0-100kPa / 0-1000kPa / 0--100kPa / -100-100kPa
phone Technical support dial 075-952-8077
Reception Weekdays 9: 00-17: 00

Panasonic Device SUNX Co., Ltd.

Head-separated, thin 2-screen digital pressure sensor [for gas] DPS-400 / DPH-100
・ Communication unit SC-GU3-01 for CC-Link
・ Head separation type ・ Thin 2-screen digital pressure sensor [for gas] DPS-400 / DPH100
  • Various sensor amplifiers can be connected via CC-Link compatible communication unit SC-GU3-01 (fiber, laser, pressure sensor)
  • The only sensor amplifier that can transmit pressure display values ​​(digital values) via CC-Link
  • Small sensor head that can be mounted from above using a hexagon wrench * 2
  • Rated pressure range 3 types * 3
* 2. Can be installed from directly above, greatly improving the workability when mounting in close contact
* 3. −100.0kPa ~ + 100.0kPa / 0 ~ + 1.000MPa / 0 ~ −101.0kPa
phone Technical consultation telephone service Toll free number 0120-394-205
Reception Weekdays 9: 00-17: 00 (excluding 12: 00-13: 00)

List of compatible models

●: Supported ―: Not supported
Company name Series / model name Connection method
AnyWire ASLINK CC-Link CC-Link IE Field CC-Link IE Field Basic Ethernet Bus connection
Anywire Corporation ASLINKSENSOR pressure type B284SB- □-□
Panasonic Device SUNX Co., Ltd. Communication unit for CC-Link SC-GU3-01 * 4
* Compatible with DPS-400 / DPH-100, head-separated, thin, dual-screen digital pressure sensor
* 4. Use the connector unit (SC-71) and end unit (SC-GU3-EU) separately, and use the dedicated software SC-PC1 separately.
  • For the supported versions of each product, refer to the iQ Sensor Solution Reference Manual SH-081132-V.
  • For detailed specifications of each product, refer to the partner product manual.