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iQ Sensor Solution (iQSS)

Wireless unit

It can be attached to remote devices or moving objects where wiring is difficult, and data can be collected by wireless communication.
Wireless production and equipment status

Wireless communication of remote devices such as production numbers and equipment status signals. Because it is wireless, it can flexibly respond to production line layout changes.

Mitsubishi Electric System Service Co., Ltd.

920MHz wireless unit
  • Adopts 920MHz band frequency with excellent wraparound characteristics. It wraps around and communicates even if there are obstacles. Maximum communication distance 400m * 1
  • No need for communication line due to wireless, contributing to shortening of construction period and construction cost. Flexibility to add or change measurement points after installation
  • Production and equipment situation in a variety of line-up, energy collection of various data in accordance with the applications, such as can master station: SWL90-ETMC (Ethernet interface built-in) slave station: SWL90-R4ML (input and output each 2-point / pulse count input 2 points)
SWL90-TH1 (E) (temperature and humidity sensor incorporated)
   SWL90-PL3 (pulse count 3 inputs)
expansion unit:
SWLEX-X16 (16 inputs)
SWLEX-XY16 (O each 16 points)
SWLEX-AD4 ( 4 analog inputs)
* 1. The communication distance varies depending on the installation environment of the antenna.
Reception Inquiry e-mail address:

List of compatible models

●: Supported ―: Not supported
Company name Series / model name Connection method
AnyWire ASLINK CC-Link CC-Link IE Field CC-Link IE Field Basic Ethernet * 2 Bus connection
Mitsubishi Electric System Service Co., Ltd. 920MHz wireless unit SWL90 series
  • For the supported versions of each product, refer to the iQ Sensor Solution Reference Manual SH-081132-V.
  • For detailed specifications of each product, refer to the partner product manual.