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Servo Motorsp

Nano-control compatible servo motor, well suited to various types of machines.

Medium-inertia, high-accuracy and high-speed motors : HG Series
Linear Servo Motor : LM-F Series
Direct Drive Servo Motor : TM-RB Series

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HG Series

Medium-inertia, high-accuracy and high-speed motors Sensor resolution has been signi cantly improved. The servo motors, which boast smooth rotation and outstanding acceleration capabilities, are well-suited to serve as feed axes of machine tools.
Product Features

HF Series

Medium-inertia Motor High-inertia machine accuracy is ensured. Suitable for machines requiring quick acceleration.
Product Features

HF-KP Series

Low-inertia Motor Suitable for an auxiliary axis that require high-speed positioning.
Product Features

LM-F Series

Linear Servo Motor Use in clean environments is possible since no ball screws are used and therefore contamination from grease is not an issue.
Product Features

TM-RB Series

Direct Drive Servo Motor High-torque direct-drive combined motor with a high-gain control system provides quick acceleration and positioning, which makes rotation smoother.
Product Features