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EtherNet/IP™ Scanner Module

EtherNet/IP is an open and global industrial network that adopts CIP (Common Industrial Protocol) to standard Ethernet. Widely used in the United States, EtherNet/IP and CIP technologies are managed by ODVA®, Inc.

Connection to EtherNet/IP compatible devices

EtherNet/IP module operates as a scanner, and supports both standard EtherNet/IP and tag communications. This enables simultaneous connection between sensors, actuators and programmable controllers with one module.

EtherNet/IP scanner module specifications

Item RJ71EIP91
Class 1 communications
Communication format Standard EtherNet/IP, tag communications
Number of connections*1 Standard EtherNet/IP: 256, Tag communications: 256
Communication data size (byte) 1444 (per connection)
Connection type Point-to-point, multicast
RPI (communication cycle) 0.5...60000 ms
Class 3 communications
Communication format Standard EtherNet/IP
Number of connections Server: 256*1, Client: None
Communication data size (byte) 1414 (per connection)
Connection type Point-to-point
UCMM communications
Communication format Standard EtherNet/IP
Number of connections (number of simultaneous executions) Server: 96, Client: 32
Communication data size (byte) 1414
Connection type Point-to-point
*1: The total number of connections for Class 1 and Class 3 communications is 256.
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