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Product Features

Global Servo Meets Global Standards

Best quality all over the world
Conformity with Global Standards and Regulations

Use the MR-JE series globally. The servo amplifiers and the servo motors conform to global standards as standard.

Conformity with Global Standards and Regulations

Flexible connections for the global use
Sink and Source Connections

Command pulse input and digital input/output are compatible with both sink and source type connections.

Sink and Source Connections

Extensive Global Support Network

Supporting MELSERVO users worldwide
Global FA Centers

Across the globe, FA Centers provide customers with local assistance for purchasing Mitsubishi Electric products and with after-sales services.
To enable national branch offices and local representatives to work together in responding to local needs, we have developed a service network throughout the world. We provide repairs, on-site engineering support, and sales of replacement parts. We also provide various services from technical consulting services by our expert engineers to practical training for equipment operations.

Global FA Centers

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