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Product Features

Toward smart factory

Supporting various networks enable flexible system design.

Less workload required for system construction

  • CC-Link IE TSN supported as standard
  • Deterministic performance of cyclic communication is maintained even when mixed with slower information data (non real-time). This enables TCP/IP communication devices to be used without affecting overall control.
  • Network device profiles are available to facilitate network construction.
  • Non-FA devices that support SLMP and TCP/IP communication can also connect to the network. Inverters can connect to a variety of devices, enabling use with versatile devices.

Compatibility with global networks

  • Multi-protocols
Inverter models that support protocols of major global industrial Ethernet networks are available.
FR-E800 inverters support a variety of open networks without using any options, enabling the use of inverters on the existing network and assuring compatibility with various systems. Users can select a protocol group suitable for the intended system. It is possible to switch between protocols only by setting parameters. (Supported protocols differ depending on the model.)
Supported protocols
ModelCC-Link IE TSN
CC-Link IE Field
Network Basic
●:Supported ◯:To be supported soon
*1: 1 Gbps is optional (to be supported).

Supporting various topologies

  • Two Ethernet ports
Two Ethernet ports are provided as standard, enabling flexible connection in line topology without using a switching hub. (Ring topology will be supported later. For PROFINET, only line topology and star topology are supported.)
Complex networks can be created just by connecting devices with a cable to a free port. The network can even accommodate changes in the specifications of devices.
Line topology

The total wiring length can be minimized for large or extensive systems.
Eliminating a switching hub allows more flexible installation of inverters even in a narrow space.

Star topology

A fault in one device does not affect other devices. Fast recovery is enabled when a fault occurs as it is easy to know which device is faulty.

Enabling construction of a small-scale synchronous system of inverters

  • Inverter-to-inverter link function
Communication between multiple inverters is carried out through the I/O device and special register transmission of the PLC function. A small-scale system can be created by connecting multiple inverters via Ethernet. (The FR-A800-E inverter or the FR-F800-E inverter can be mixed in the system.)

Simple configuration with less wiring using safety communication models

  • Safety communication model
Safety communication models support Ethernet-based safety communication protocols certified as compliant with international standards.
The safety control system on the existing network can be easily enhanced with less cost.
ModelCC-Link IE TSN
Safety communication
(Safety over EtherCAT)
●:Supported ◯:To be supported soon

Security measures

  • IP filtering function (Ethernet)

Set the IP address range for connectable network devices to limit connectable devices.

The IP filtering function (Ethernet) is a means to prevent unwanted access from external devices, but it does not prevent it completely.
  • Ethernet command source selection
Devices which can control the inverter can be limited by setting the IP address range of the network device(s) used to operate it.
  • Ethernet function selection

Communication sockets are created only for selected applications to prevent unwanted access.

A communication socket is the interface for sending and receiving data on a specific port.

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