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Product Features


Hyper Historian™*1Option

High-speed/highly reliable data collection

Hyper Historian™ is a high-speed*2, reliable, and robust historian. Designed for the most demanding applications with support for redundancy and distributed data collection, Hyper Historian™'s advanced high compression algorithm delivers unparalleled performance with efficient use of resources. It integrates with the latest big data technologies, including Azure® SQL, Azure® Data Lake, Apache Kafka®, and Apache Hadoop®. This makes Hyper Historian™ the most efficient and secure real-time plant historian for the latest Microsoft® operating systems.

*1. Hyper Historian™ Express (simplified ver.) is included in GENESIS64™. Please refer to the function list (Hyper Historian™ product) for details.
*2. The speed depends on the system configuration.


Transaction-based processing by flowchart

BridgeWorX™ enables configuration and execution of transactions built on the powerful Workflow engine. Graphical data bridging enables users to rapidly implement data orchestration and integration tasks that adhere to business logic without requiring programming. BridgeWorX™ can access Microsoft® SQL Server®, Oracle®, Microsoft® Access®, SAP®, and virtually any real-time or archived manufacturing or business data source.

Comparison between Workflow and BridgeWorX™

Processable dataData on GENESIS64™Data on GENESIS64™
Data/file/web service
Execution formatCycleCycle, trigger


Automated reporting

ReportWorX™ is a powerful reporting tool that turns volumes of data into manufacturing intelligence. Create reports in Excel®, HTML, or PDF format with data from the plant floor, corporate databases, and everywhere in between.*4 Its advanced scheduling engine delivers reports automatically via the web, from an HMI screen, or based on user-specified criteria. Scheduling options include daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly, or based on a variety of triggers.

*3. ReportWorX™ Express (simplified ver.) is included in GENESIS64™. Please refer to the function list (A server product) for details.
*4. Original templates are created in Excel®.

Energy AnalytiX®Option

Visualization and analysis of energy consumption

Energy AnalytiX® provides real-time data collection and visualization of energy consumption such as electric, gas, and other utilities. It enables the calculation of specific CO2 emissions data and other energy metrics at any level of your organizational hierarchy, making it easy to uncover energy efficiency offenders and reduce overall energy costs.

Quality AnalytiX®Option

Quality control

Quality AnalytiX® enables operators, quality personnel, manufacturing engineers, and executives to view SPC*5 and quality data, along with other production parameters impacting product quality. Apply any of the extensive set of built-in calculations to any process variable to drive corrective actions based on process trends.

*5. Statistical Process Control

Facility AnalytiX®Option

Advanced fault detection and diagnostics (FDD) technology

Facility AnalytiX® incorporates customizable fault rules to predict faults and failures, weigh the probability of equipment failure, and advise personnel of immediate preventive actions that can be taken, improving safety and optimizing energy savings. An extensive library of standard HVAC*6 and process equipment diagnostic models minimizes configuration, while a rules editor enables intuitive customization and equipment diagnostic modeling.

*6. HVAC: Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning
Customizable fault definitions (rules) with algorithms to determine probable causes

Application example: Detect a fan speed abnormality of air conditioning system


Monitoring of field service workers and maintenance personnel

CFSWorX™ is useful for monitoring of field service workers from a central location. It determines which worker is best for the maintenance task according to location, schedule, availability, and skill level. CFSWorX™ can even instantly connect remote workers to subject matter experts via its video expert capability.


IoT communication function for Cloud

IoTWorX™ combines cutting-edge micro SCADA software technology with integrated SCADA, analytics, and mobile solutions running in the cloud. It includes open connectivity to assets, secure cloud communications, and built-in real-time visualization and analytics.

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