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Product Features

Flow of selection

Select a server product

Select either GENESIS64™ Basic SCADA or GENESIS64™ Advanced according to the number of tags and necessary functions referring to the function list (A server product).

Select client products

The maximum number of client devices*1 simultaneously accessing the monitoring control screen of the GENESIS64™ server during system monitoring. Select client products according to the estimated maximum number of client devices.

*1. Count as “2” when the same user accesses from both computer and smartphone simultaneously. Count as “1” when a different user accesses from a shared computer.

DeviceAccessing methodNecessary product
Application*3WebHMI™ or MobileHMI™
Mobile device (smartphone, tablet)Browser*2WebHMI™
Application*3WebHMI™ or MobileHMI™
*2. Please refer to the operating environment for supported browsers.
*3. To use the application, please search for “MobileHMI™” in App Store® or Google Play™.
Select optional products

Select optional products from the product list according to selected functions.

Function list (Hyper Historian™ products)

FunctionHyper Historian™ Enterprise
Hyper Historian™ Standard
Hyper Historian™ Express
(included in server product)
High-speed data collection
Collected data calculation/storage
Collection/accumulation distribution
Server redundancy*4
How to count tagsTags are counted separately from the server productTags are counted
as server product tags
Number of tags75, 150, 500, 1500, 5k, 15k, 50k, 100k, 250k, 500k, 1M75, 150, 500, 1500, 5k*5
*4. Hyper Historian™ Redundant (GEN64-HH-R) for redundant system is available.
*5. More than 5k tags can be handled with additional tag pack option.
System configuration options

GENESIS64™ supports several levels of highly reliable/high availability systems. To determine the best fit for your application needs, please refer to the system configuration below.

Redundant server configuration (supported by GENESIS64™ Advanced only)
  • Redundant GENESIS64™ Advanced servers (continuous monitoring is assured by automatic screen switching)
  • Redundant Hyper Historian™ servers (secure data by continuous historical data collection)
① GENESIS64™ and ② Hyper Historian™ Enterprise (GEN64-HH-ENT) are necessary for each control and standby server
Distributed server configuration
  • Distributed Hyper Historian™ servers for collection/accumulation function
Hyper Historian™ Enterprise (GEN64-HH-ENT) is necessary

Select software or hardware license

License is applied to either a server computer or USB hardware key. Choose either referring to the table below.

OptionsServer computerUSB hardware key
  • Purchasing of USB hardware key is unnecessary
  • No risk of accidental loss of USB hardware key
  • License migration from development server to production server is easy
  • In case of an issue with the production server, the license can easily be transferred to another server
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