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Product Features

What are tags?

Tags are data sets for GENESIS64™ to access external devices. The number of data sets used in runtime of GENESIS64™ are counted. In the example below, a device value of a programmable controller = 25 and an SQL statement that refers to the last week temperature data are targets counted.

In the case of Hyper Historian™

  • When using Hyper Historian™, tags are counted separately from GENESIS64™*1*2
  • “The number of historical data collection settings” are counted as the number of tags

Difference of counted tag

Type of dataReal-time dataHistorical data
When using Hyper Historian™GENESIS64™ tagHyper Historian™ tag
When using Hyper Historian™ ExpressGENESIS64™ tagGENESIS64™ tag
*1. When using historical data collection/accumulation (Hyper Historian™ Express) included in GENESIS64™ server product, a tag is counted as GENESIS64™ tag.
*2. Historical data collection setting that exceeds the number of tags of Hyper Historian™ in use cannot be counted as GENESIS64™ tag.

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