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  • CC-Link
This course suits for people who are interesting in PLC Remote station connecting technique by linking system (Device Level Network) using CC-LINK network which is standard network system for remote controlling and widely used nowadays.
Course Syllabus

1. Basic knowledge and system structure of CC-LINK.

2. Parameter setting of CC-LINK.

3. How to use data in buffer memory?

4. How to specify the position of Remote I/O(Rx,Ry,RWr ,RWw)?

5. Programming technique for communicating between master and remote stations.

        o Remote I/O Station

        o Remote Device Station

        o Intelligent Device Station

6. Investigate errors from CC-LINK network.


1. Complete PLC201 course (Advance PLC) or have advanced PLC's knowledge and have experiences in GX Works2 software.

2. Basic skills in computer and English.

Provided Equipment : PLC simulation kit Q-Series and CC-LINK 9 sets
Training Session Info : 09:00-16:30 (Registration 08:30)
Days : 2
Trainee/class : 18 Trainees (2 Trainee/kit set)

Date and location
Remark : Course detail may be changed without prior notice