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eF@ctory Alliance

Strong collaboration with partners

eF@ctory Alliance

EF @ ctory has collaborated with many partner manufacturers to propose the best solution for customers. Realizing new business creation and new manufacturing through strong collaboration between Mitsubishi Electric, which boasts strong product strength in the FA field, and partners participating in the FA Partner Program eF @ ctory Alliance promoted by Mitsubishi Electric You.

Partner Solution Search

eF@ctory Alliance

Partner Overview

SI partner

Produces the entire production system. Achieve advanced system integration.

Software Partner

Developed application software that enhances connection affinity with Mitsubishi FA equipment.

Equipment partner

Provide equipment compatible with Mitsubishi FA equipment. Achieved system construction and improved maintainability.

See more information
SI partner
A system integrator that combines Mitsubishi FA equipment with other products to provide customers with system solutions from production sites to information systems.
Software Partner
This is a vendor that develops and provides application software and drivers with good connection affinity with Mitsubishi FA devices using information linkage products and linkage technologies (EZSocket, SLMP, etc.) provided by Mitsubishi Electric.
Equipment partner
A manufacturer that provides devices that can be easily connected to Mitsubishi FA devices and peripherals that improve usability