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Instrumentation solution (MELSEC instrumentation / redundant system)


Realizes high-speed and high-reliability system from small to large scale

The MELSEC instrumentation / redundancy system is not a dedicated system like DCS, but an open and flexible general-purpose system.
Under the eF @ ctory concept, all devices and equipment can be connected by IoT, and developed into an optimization system that analyzes and utilizes data.

Advanced instrument control

PID control

Equipped with process control instructions such as 2-degree-of-freedom PID, sample PI, and auto-tuning, you can achieve advanced instrumentation control.

Visualization and data collection


A comfortable monitoring and control system can be constructed by linking Mitsubishi Electric SCADA MC Works64 and MELSEC iQ-R series.
Functions such as energy management, scheduling, alarm / event management, trend display, report creation, high-speed data collection, wide area monitoring, etc., monitor the entire factory and contribute to customer productivity and quality improvement.

Can build a highly reliable system


Single points are reduced in each layer of monitoring (SCADA), controller, network, and I / O, and a more reliable system can be constructed compared to the past. Enables application to special systems that require reliability, such as dedicated systems.

One package process control software

Integrated engineering

GX Works3 engineering software for MELSEC iQ-R series programmable controllers integrates a program editor for process control (FBD language) with other program editors. Process control systems can be easily configured by sharing the label information of instrumentation tags, simple program structure, and simple write / read operations to the sequencer.