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Solutions by Purpose

Introducing examples of FA solutions that are tailored to the customer's purpose, such as enhancing traceability, preventive maintenance, improving productivity, improving quality, and saving energy, in order to optimize the manufacturing industry.
Quality improvement
1 Quality improvement achieved by construction of an inspection system using sensors!
2 Realization of remote monitoring enables fine-grained support and quick troubleshooting!
Achieve quality improvement by constructing an inspection system that utilizes onesensor!
We want to automate the precision inspection by manual work, which causes variations in workers, and reduce the tact time of the work.
A bar code reader is set on a jig to manage lot numbers, linked with sensor measurement data, reducing inspection time and achieving traceability.
FA solution adoption example
Utilizing sensors for inspection
reduces manufacturing costs and improves quality!
Automation from inspection to recording with a sensor and linking with the work lot number realizes labor saving and quality improvement!
Remote monitoring enables fine-grained support and quick troubleshooting!
Since there is no other way but to collect information by telephone, the cause is not known at the time of failure. When going to the site, it takes time if you are far away.
Introduce the MELSEC-Q series to remotely monitor in-house equipment delivered to customers and centrally manage multiple equipment.
FA solution adoption example
Remote monitoring of
equipment enables centralized management of delivered production equipment and quick support!
Ascertain the operating status and alarm information of the customer from the technical center! Remote monitoring enables early detection of failure and trouble factors and accurate response!