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iQ Sensor Solution (iQSS)


Connect with One Tool! I can see you!
More seamless sensor control!

Sensors that support production sites are becoming more sophisticated and more complex. Do you spend a lot of time and money on managing sensor setting tools and starting up and maintaining equipment? Mitsubishi Electric cooperates with partner manufacturers to easily set up and maintain sensors with One Tool ! Solutions that reduce TCO * 1 for customers
by further strengthening the linkage between sensors and industrial PCs, sequencers, displays, and engineering environments . That is iQ Sensor Solution (iQSS).

* 1 TCO: Total Cost of Ownership

IQSS connects everything from general sensors to advanced sensors
"EF @ ctory" is an FA integrated solution that utilizes FA technology and IT technology to reduce the total cost of development, production, and maintenance, and to support manufacturing one step ahead. iQ Sensor Solution (iQSS) is a sensor area solution for eF @ ctory.

Sensor Solution iQ Sensor Solution

L (name) 08253-K
Creation: March 2019
Capacity: 22.2MB (PDF)

IQSS can reduce the customer's TCO by strengthening the cooperation between the partner's sensor and the sequencer / display / engineering environment.
<Development cost reduction
Easy startup, easy programming, dedicated tool linkage
<Reduction of production cost>
Easy tuning
<Reduced maintenance costs>
Sensor monitor, backup / restore, easy logging
iQSS can be configured with six types of connection methods according to the customer's installation environment and purpose.
  • AnyWireASLINK
  • CC-Link
  • CC-Link IE Field
  • CC-Link IE FIeld Basic
  • Ethernet
  • Bus Connection
iQSS provides the following four tools as an engineering environment.
  • Integrated engineering tool "MELSOFT iQ Works"
  • Engineering tools "GX Works3" "GX Works2" "MI Configurator"
Information on downloading software.

Feature Description

Easy startup
Automatically generate a system configuration diagram. Each sensor can be set from the system configuration diagram.
Easy programming
Sensor label information can easily be imported by different manufacturers. You do not need to manually enter the label name. Easy programming is also possible by using function blocks, sample ladders and sample screens.
Sensor monitor
The iQSS-compatible partner sensor can be displayed on a single screen, so you can monitor your eyes.
Backup / Restore
iQSS compatible partner sensor settings can be backed up / restored to the SD memory card of the PLC.
Easy tuning
Parameters can be set by unified operation of sensors from different manufacturers from the engineering environment or the GOT, thereby reducing work time.
Dedicated tool cooperation
Each dedicated tool can be started from the engineering environment.